Tuesday, 29 August 2017

A Brief Note on
Master Plan for Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region - 2041
Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region (VMR) is the 2nd largest urban development region, next to Capital Region Development Authority, in the Andhra Pradesh, the Sun Rise State of India. 

Visakhapatnam Urban Development Authority (VUDA) is in the process of preparation of Master Plan and Zonal Development Plans for Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority (VMRDA) area of 6,764.59 sq. km. for 25 years, i.e. horizon year of 2041.
Extent of VMR Region

The region is spread over four districts - Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam and East Godavari in Andhra Pradesh covering 50 Mandals and 1340 Villages. Total population as per 2011 census is 5,293,369, out of which, rural and urban population share are  54.3%  and 45.67% .

The current sanctioned “Master Plan for VMR-2021”, is due for revision. The revised masterplan will be prepared in accordance with the provision of “Andhra Pradesh Metropolitan Region and Urban Development Authority (APMRUDA) Act 2016”, the total extent for this Master Plan study (including Existing Master Plan area of VMR, extended VUDA area and proposed VMRDA area) is 6,764.59 sq. km.

VUDA has appointed LEA Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. (LASA), India, A LEA Group Company, Canada, for Preparation of Master Plan for the VMRDA Area. The Plan will be prepared within 24 calendar months, commencing on 16th August 2016. Major milestones are given below:

The Master Plan aims at sustainable development evolving development vision and a road map for balanced growth of region by regulating future spatial development for horizon year of 2041.  

Key Tasks involved in preparation of Master Plan are as follows:
vReview of past studies, plans and current policies
vCompilation of data from secondary sources
vCarry out many field surveys and investigation
üLand use survey
üTraffic surveys
üTrunk infrastructure mapping
üEnvironmental Studies
üHeritage and cultural properties survey
üSocio-Economic/Home Interview Survey
vStakeholder Consultations
vAssessment of Existing Situation
vEvolving Vision and Concept Plans
vPreparation of Preliminary Master Plan
vPreparation of Draft Master Plan
vPreparation of General Development Promotion Regulations
vNotification & Invitation of Public Objections and Suggestions
vFinalization of Draft Master Plan

This platform is created for inviting public opinion and views of all stakeholders. Please share your opinions and suggestions below regarding the development of VMR area.

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